X509 Serial Number Hexadecimal Converter
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I took a look at the Microsoft PEM encoding and found that I could directly convert a X509 certificate serial number to string and back to serial number using the BinarySerializer class. I did this and took a look at the Microsoft example for the PEM encoding to make sure I was interpreting it correctly.
I also looked at the XML example and noticed that there was no method that would convert from a X509 certificate serial number to string in the example and this is where I read the source code from the XML example. The private methods that the constructor calls are:
Int32ToString(Int32 value, String text, String padding, String hex)
Int32ToHex(Int32 value, String text, String padding, String hex)
Int32ToString(Int32 value, String text)
The method I used to get the bytes from the X509 certificate and convert them into a string is as follows:
BinarySerializer.TryCreateBinaryReader(string binary, bool throwOnFail)
BinarySerializer.CreateBinaryReader(string binary)
Convert.ToString(Int32 value, Int32 base)
Thus, the software, Apache httpd, has a certificate, that allows other software to authenticate they are signed by the same software. When this is accomplished, you need to know the serial number of the certificate. The certificate is loaded by the following code:
Which I believe is the only way to get the X509 serial number as text as it is not a public property on the object. I was also able to get the Xml of the certificate using the following method:
-CA Serial-Number-File
The -CA option also has a very simple option, the Certificate Authority File. This file contains a private key that can be used for authenticating certificates. In the case of an X.509 certificate, the certificates must be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA). The -CA option lets you specify a file that contains the certificate authority's public key certificate in PEM format.
Private Key File (PK File)
With this option, you may specify multiple private key files. If none is specified, the default location is ~/keys. A private key is a file that contains a large number of random bytes. Private keys are used for generating session keys for encrypted communications or for signing data. The content of a private key file is usually protected by a passphrase, for example, the file passwd.
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